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 If you have been sexually harassed or abused in public spaces in Nepal, please share your story with us on this crowdmap. You can report anonymously in under 2 minutes.  

Social Empowerment By Empowering women (SEEW) along with Safecity India ( are mapping harassment in Kathmandu. With the data gathered we hope to be able to push for safer transportation for women. .We are glad with the overwhelming response thus far. Please continue to submit your experiences of harassment and abuse on
Safecity is an online platform created to map areas of sexual abuse- ranging from comments to physical abuse and rape. All it requires is to fill a simple form about the location where the abuse occurred and the category of abuse (it can be filled anonymously as well). This gets plotted on a map and in time will create “hotspots” or unsafe areas of a city.

As the numbers of pins grow, this converts into a hotspot. The larger the number of pins, the more prominent the hotspot is. This information can be used

  1. By individuals to check potential safe and unsafe areas
  2. By the law enforcement agencies to increase security measures in unsafe areas
  3. By local businesses in the hotspots to be more aware and help change the situation



Step 1 – Submit a report using the following

  1. Form on the website
  2. Tweet @pinthecreep or with #safecity or #pinthecreep or #SEEWNepal
  3. Facebook  – Use the form on facebook/ or facebook/ or Social Empowerment by Empowering Women SEEW
  4. Email –  or

 Step 2 – Enter the following information 

  1. Location of the incident (as detailed as possible including the street name)
  2. Details of the incident
  3. Select the category of abuse/harassment
  4. Optional information – name, contact details

 Step 3 – Pin is created on the city map once approved by the moderator

 Step 4 – Multiple pins create hotspots

 Step 5 – Sign up for alerts of the area/location that you are concerned with. Alternatively, if you are heading to a new area, check on for hotspots and prepare yourself adequately.

Name and Age: Address: Mobile Number/Contact Number: Email address: Brief facts of the case with date, time and place of occurrence.